Caring Committee

Available to help members and friends who are in need, helping with meals, transportation, running errands, just a quiet talk or whatever.  Also sending cards to those who are grieving, recuperating or saying goodbye  If we don’t know of the need, we can’t provide help.  Joan Ward is the central communications hub for requests for assistance.  Contact Joan at

Adult Religious Education (RE):

Love, Compassion, Joy and Equanimity:

Learn the practices of a kind heart and an open mind

Learn meditation and the purpose of meditation. Cultivate peace of mind and calmness of body. Develop patience, kindness and awareness. Diminish pain, conflict and stress.

New meditation group: Beginning in January, 2023, Pagosa Unitarian Universalist Fellowship is delighted to host a new in-person meditation group, meeting 9-10:30 am on the second and fourth Sundays of the month. The format will be meditation practice 9-9:45, Dharma talk 9:45-10:15; and tea 10:15-10:30.

Our group leader is a certified meditation instructor, authorized Dharma teacher and long-time student of Khenpo Migmar Tseten, Buddhist Chaplain at Harvard University.

Although we will be practicing traditional Buddhist meditations, one does not have to be Buddhist to benefit from these beautiful practices. Meditation instructions are reviewed every session, so newcomers can learn as those more experienced deepen their practice.

We will be introduced to three authentic meditation practices: Calm-abiding (Shamatha); Concentration (Blue Lotus); and Healing (Tonglen). These will be applied within the context and intent of the Four Immeasurables: the cultivation of love, compassion, joy and equanimity for all.

Newcomers are welcome anytime, no experience necessary. Please bring a blanket and water. Meditation cushions and chairs will be provided. Sessions will begin promptly, please arrive a few minutes early to settle in. For the consideration of others, mask wearing is encouraged.

Suggested donation of $10-$20 greatly appreciated, however no-one will be turned away for lack of funds. Meditation instruction itself is always free.

Children’s Religious Education (RE):

Currently suspended.